Charity Parner
The Polar Academy work with “invisible kids”, the kind of kids that could easily slip through the cracks. They may be victims of bullying, have anxiety, depression, suffered bereavement or simply be the shy, awkward teenagers that struggle with their confidence and never feel like they truly fit in. But the one thing they do all have in common is that they are at a crucial stage of their lives.
The Polar Academy’s programme takes kids through 1 year of intensive physical and mental training which culminates in a winter sledge haul in East Greenland. The extreme challenge of exploration allows young people to realise their full potential like no other opportunity can. By showing them what they are capable of, this experience permanently improves their self-belief, helps them find their voice, and find inspiration for life.
With each child delivering talks upon their return to other children, and with a model built upon the support pf families, carers and schools, the impact is much further reaching than the lives of the children directly involved.